Billinger For Business
A secure solution for service deals: tasks, documents, and payments.
Try now
Talent Onboarding

Invite freelancers from all over the world — with any tax status — to Billinger.

We check their background.

Freelancers can apply for a free consultation on all tax issues

Task Management

Create tasks manually on our platform, or automate via API or file import.

Add insurance or receive rights on the results of the task in one click.

Sort tasks by topics, categories, progress status and talent.


Pay for completed work only. We hold your funds in your account and return them if the task is not completed.

We automatically make payments to contracted individuals in rubles, dollars or euros to accounts, cards and electronic wallets.

Give account access and assign different rights to your team.


Receive acceptance deeds — automatically once a month, and invoices — at any time upon request.

Projects with multiple clients get separate deeds and reports - this will keep confidentiality.

Sign documents in the EDI system or order paper copies for free.

Collaborate with Any Freelancers
Advertising and Marketing

Marketers, copywriters, designers, influencers, lawyers, bloggers, event managers

IT and all Tech Sectors

Developers, QA-engineers, administrators, designers, cloud-engineers, copywriters, support operators, consultants

Education and ed-tech

Authors, teachers, mentors, coaches, bloggers, affilliates


Couriers, call center operators, developers, marketers, bloggers, webmasters


Copywriters, editors, content creators, producers, journalists 


Consultants, property managers, promoters, musicians, etc.

120+ companies from 60 countries have set more then 1 million tasks
We’d love to hear from you.
Tell us more about your project, needs, and we will get in touch shortly.